GamificationDani ComarApril 14, 2016 Can it be broken into levels or assign scores? GamificationDani ComarApril 14, 2016 Dani Comar Creative Consultant and Workshop Facilitator Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Pinterest0 0 Likes
GamificationDani ComarApril 14, 2016 Can we provide a collection to build? GamificationDani ComarApril 14, 2016
GamificationDani ComarApril 14, 2016 Can we turn it into a challenge or set targets? GamificationDani ComarApril 14, 2016
GamificationDani ComarApril 14, 2016 How can game mechanics encourage people to adopt and stick to the desired behaviour? GamificationDani ComarApril 14, 2016