Sweet spot

Last week Geometry Malaysia’s campaign for Cadbury ‘Say it with Chocolate’ collected two Silver Asia Effie Awards. A sweet victory that comes on top of 2 other Silver and a Bronze awards at Adfest, a Bronze at Spikes and a whooping Gold, Silver and 6 Bronze awards at the Kancil, the biggest creative shows in the region and in Malaysia respectively.
This is a very special campaign that came out of the conviction of the client and the agency. Great work out of regular briefs that managed to be recognised for both, its creative and its effectiveness merits, the famous twin peaks of our industry.
Congratulations to all involved, among many others: the clients who trust in the project; Benjamin Thain and Hong Fei Ho, who came up with the idea; Jarrod Reginald and Michelle Lim, who turned it into a beautiful story and film; Nisha Nair and Elicia Wee, who managed the campaign at different times, and of course to Mahesh Neelakantan and Nuno Lemos, who lead the team, fought like mad men and pushed the whole thing to greatness.
Very proud of being involved with this work.

Creative Consultant and Workshop Facilitator