The Palau Pledge

A government campaign encouraging tourists to protect the island nation of Palau. Immigration will only issue entry visas to tourists who sign a moving eco-pledge.

Children of Palau,
I take this Pledge,
To preserve and protect your beautiful and unique island home.
I vow to tread lightly, act kindly, and explore mindfully.
I shall not take what is not given.
I shall not harm what does not harm me.
The only footprints I shall leave are those that will wash away.

I recalled a behavioural experiment conducted by Dan Ariely (the author or Predictably Irrational) where he proved the ‘10 Commandments Effect’. People who where asked to remember the 10 Commandments before performing a test where less likely to cheat than those asked to list their 10 favourite books. Simple reminding can affect behaviour greatly.

Winner of a coveted D&AD Black Pencil. Will certainly do well in Cannes too.

Click the image to check the beautiful Palau Pledge website.

Click the image to check the beautiful Palau Pledge website.

Creative Consultant and Workshop Facilitator